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My name is Hironobu Tsumori.

I working at Chugoku Telecommunication Network Co,Inc. (CTNet)
CTNet is a data communications company (such as AT&T, or NTT) in Japan, and provides services to customers in Chugoku region (Located in the western part of Japan, contains Hiroshima, Okayama, Yamaguchi, Shimane and Tottori Prefecture).
CCCN (CTNet Computer Commication Network) is a service of CTNet, Internet services for businesses. My job at an office is maintain equipment for CCCN service.

I live in Hiroshima City, Japan, a central city of Chugoku region. It is located in the southwestern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. An Atomic bomb was dropped over downtown of Hiroshima at August 6, 1945. Hiroshima was suffered great losses, but it has recovered, and now it has a population of 1.1 million.

I was born in Tokuyama City on December 14, 1973. Tokuyama is located in the southeastern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture, and it has a population of 105 thousand. It is an industrial city and some large factories are collected into it.

I graduated from the school Tokuyama College of Technology. I majored in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering.

My hobbies are: I am interested in: Notes:
Mail to me: tumori@urban.ne.jp or hironobu@tumori.nu

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Last updated: November 26, 2000
This document was made with help of the translation software.